Pounds and Inches Drops weight loss drops are designed to support any diet or weight loss protocol you follow.Our doctor-created guide includes everything you need to know, including an 800 and 1200 per day calorie protocol, meal plan, approved foods list, and tips.Top questions and answers from real customers:QUESTION: How is it different than Dr. Simeon's diet protocol? On his diet, mixing vegetables at each meal was a big no-no? Seller Answer: With all due respect to Dr. Simeons, that was 60 years ago and we have so much information now, that he simply didn't have back then. The protocol we have now is far superior, based on science he simply did not know about, and takes care of one of the biggest problems of all, which is lack of protein. User submitted Answer: I just used the drops while I followed Dr. Simeon's original protocol & they worked great! QUESTION: Where is it made? Seller Answer: This product is made in a CMGP facility in the United States. CMGP stands for "Certified Manufacturing Good Practices" and ensures that all products made in that facility are made in the best possible conditions and contain what they say they do. QUESTION: Is the diet guide available online or digitally? Seller Answer: Yes, the guide is electronic, and it is sent as an e-mail attachment through upon ordering. There is also a link to the guide included in each package. Make sure and use the electronically provided 800 or 1200 calorie protocol, as it's doctor created and specifically designed to work with these drops.
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