CLEMATIS: Always called the "Queen of Vines," nothing else makes the spectacular show of a clematis in full bloom. In almost all zones, these magnificent plants decorate mailboxes, trellises and porches with cascades of some of the most beautiful blooms in the flower kingdom, and they're not difficult to grow. There's no reason you can't add them to your landscape. Clematis Arabella is a beautiful new hybrid with the herbaceous scrambling habit of integrifolia but with large, upturned flowers. The blooms appear constantly all summer and begin a deep blue-mauve color fading to a pale blue. While only 3.5 inches across, their everblooming nature makes this a must-have Clematis! Works trained on a trellis, in a patio container or allowed to ramble in your border! Just cut it back near the ground in winter and it happily springs back every year for another show. Most clematis, like Arabella have a light weight structure and can grow atop or through other plants without harm.
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3 weeks ago