FEATURES -- Cake stand made of iron metal, delicate withe baking paint. -- Round beveled base provides stability, safe and secure use. -- The best choice to display cakes, cupcakes, candies, cookies, muffins, pastries and any other desserts. -- Not only can be used as a fruits plate, cakes holder, desserts stand, but also elegant decoration for your sweet home. -- In aesthetic design, flawless for dining room or table decoration. Suitable for gifts. SPECIFICATIONS Type: Cake Stand Set Material: Iron Main Color: Black Quantity: 3Pcs/Set SIZE 1* cake stand 8 in (D) * (H) 1* cake stand 10 in (D) * (H) 1* cake stand 12 in (D) * (H) WARMLY NOTICE 1. Package include: 3Pcs/Set Cake stands (black color); 2. The accessories in the picture is just for showing usage,do not included with the package; 3. Cake stand hand-crafted, welding can't be flawless,Hope that some minor flaws can be accepted; 4. Please allow some dimensions difference, due to manual measurement; 5. Please allow some color difference with product itself due to different monitor.
3 weeks ago
1 week ago