Vital Essentials Wild Alaskan Salmon freeze-dried dog treats are packed with fatty acids - Omega 3 & 6 - for healthy skin and coat. We start with fresh, wild caught, Alaskan Salmon, easy for your fur baby to digest. Sourced with only USDA raw proteins, then we manufacture and package in our family-owned facilities. Our distinct freeze-drying process retains the vital nutrients found in nature, something your dogs instinct already knows and looks for. | INGREDIENTS: Salmon, mixed tocopherols | CALORIE CONTENT: 124 kcal/oz | GUARANTEED ANALYSIS: Crude Protein - Min. 42.0%, Crude Fat - Min. 15.0%, Crude Fiber - Max. 3.0%, Moisture - Max. 8.0% | Certified gluten free certificate ID 68908 issued by GFCO on 2/4/19
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