RAREST, MOST HISTORIC BOND OF MEXICO!! AUTHENTIC 1843 20,000 GOLD PESOS "BLACK EAGLE"!! This is far and away Mexico's rarest national treasury bond. It was issued in 1843 by supreme decree of President Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, the same Santa Anna who overran the Alamo and was in turn defeated by Sam Houston which gave birth to the independent Republic of Texas (1836-1845). Santa Anna was still engaged in battles with the Texans at the time. April 30 to May 16, 1843 saw the Naval Battle of Campeche between the Mexican and Texan Navies. On May 11 he authorized this bond in the amount of 20,000 Gold Pesos with 6% interest payable from June 1, 1843. His name appears in the preamble and the bond is hand signed by Treasurer of Mexico! Repayment was secured by 25% of all maritime customs duties with the exception of those derived from Matmoras adjoining Brownsville Texas, 100% of which were to be devoted to the servicing of this debt. To the best of our knowledge only TWO genuine examples of these bonds are extant, and this is the only one offered with both Pass-Co authentication and a Perito (advanced forensic authentication) by Mexico's foremost bond expert, Patricia Blanco. There is rumored to exist a 27,500 Peso Black Eagle bond but, if authentic (which is doubtful), it would have had to be "raised" from a 20,000 bond because no 27,500 Black Eagle was ever officially issued. A vital piece of Mexican history and early American history, too (while Texas was already independent, 7 present U.S. states were all or largely still a part of Mexico until the Mexican-American War ended in 1848: California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, the western quarter of Colorado and the southwestern corner of Wyoming). Without question, this is a museum caliber bond that is scarcer than the Declaration of Independence of which 26 copies are known!
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