A short children's book created by the University of Ottawa iGEM team to increase awareness of the merits of synthetic biology. It recounts the heroic tale of a city of yeast that have to face many difficult challenges and daunting obstacles. However, with the help of Mr. Cool and his fantastic DNA-changing proteins, the yeast are able to overcome these difficulties and prevail. It is a great book to introduce younger children to the basics of synthetic biology and research while still being fun to read. iGEM is short for "International Genetically Engineered Machines" [Competition], and is a synthetic biology competition held each year that attracts hundreds of universities world-wide. Part of the team project is to increase awareness of synthetic biology to the public and this year, we decided to create a children's book as a means to increase awareness. If you want to know more about our work, please click on the following link: http://2013.igem.org/Team:uOttawa Thank you very much for your support!
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