This is a 100 card, Commander blue black ninja deck. This deck is incredibly fun to play. This is an aggressive deck, that aims to cast its many evasive/unblockable 1-drops on turns 1-2. These 1-drops then get replaced with ninjas via the nunjutsu mechanic to quickly build up and army of aggressive, strong threats. Yuriko can often come down on turn 2 and start generating enormous amounts of value. Yuriko is nearly unkillable as she can be brought back to hand with nunjutsu, and commander tax doesn't apply as she is not cast from your hand, so she can be repeatedly brought back onto the battlefield for 2 mana. In addition to the deck's aggressive start, the deck features a number of cards that help manipulate the top of your deck, taking advantage of Yuriko's ability. Cards like scheming symmetry, brainstorm, crystal ball, and a number of scry cards can put your 6-9 mana spells on top of the library, so that Yuriko will bleed your opponents for massive amounts of damage each turn. This deck can quickly take down all of your opponents, even in a multiplayer game, and excels against slower ramp/big creature decks. This deck is PERFECT for anyone looking to play a fun, new, themed deck. This deck is remarkably powerful and features a number of powerful creatures and synergies. This deck has been play tested and is strong, not to mention a ton of fun to play!
1 week ago
4 days ago