Product description RHome is a specialized health and medical supplies seller. We make every effort to provide you with quality products and services. You can trust us because every product is selected with the outmost care and under professional trial. Please do not worry about your doubts over quality or usage, we are here to serve you. Legal Disclaimer The instruction manual shall be read carefully before using the product, and the the warnings and instructions shall be read carefully and thoroughly. The warning & instructions contain all the information of the product. The instructions provided along with the operating manual shall be strictly followed for safety and maintenance shall be regularly carried out. The information of the product is not aimed to diagnose or treat a disease or a health problem. Please consult your health care provider at the beginning of any health problem or disease. .com shares no respomsibility for any inaccuracy or misusage concerning the product. 【 Please note】:Sales return can be granted only when the product is under a good condition with no scratch or damage. 【Warning】: 1. The product guarantees no prevention and reduction of any injuries, and thus rehabilitation exercise is necessary when the product is used. 2. The product shall not replace the diagnosis & treatment by a doctor under any circumstances. 【CAUTION】:The use of the product shall be stopped and the contact with your health care provider is imperative once any pain or discomfort occurs.
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