Honorable Intentions is a memoir by Russell Jones. As an army Chief Warrant Officer and combat helicopter pilot in Vietnam, he was awarded the Purple Heart, Bronze Star, and 16 Air Medals. After his honorable discharge, he became a San Jose police officer where he worked as a Canine Officer and Field Training Officer. Promoted to the Detective Bureau, he was assigned to the Narcotics Division where he worked Organized Crime, investigating organizations such as the Nuestra Familia and the Hell's Angels. After law enforcement, Russell Jones served as an intelligence agent in Costa Rica during Iran-Contra in Nicaragua where he infiltrated groups involved in covert operations such as Tipped Kettle. In private practice as a Forensic Consultant, he testified as an expert witness in criminal cases, such as rape and homicide, where drugs and substance abuse played a role. In academia, he developed, wrote, and implemented Drug Rehabilitation courses designed for court-mandated clients. As a guest of the Ministry of Interiors of both the Soviet Union and China, he traveled throughout those countries and worked with their narcotics officers. He has thousands of miles of blue water ocean sailing experience, having sailed to Central America, the Caribbean, and the Bahamas, as well as the east coast of the US, from Florida to Maine. Russell Jones served with honor, but constantly questioned government policies that were taking the lives of those he served with.
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