Learn Hindi Alphabet introduces Hindi letters through memorable songs, familiar rhymes and interactive quizzes. In this DVD, children learn to recognize and sound out Hindi letters and associate each letter with an object and its beginning sound. By watching Learn Hindi Alphabet your child will: (1) Learn to identify, name and sound out all the letters (2) Learn to associate each letter with an object and its beginning sound - eg. Aa for Aam (mango), Gh for Ghar (house) etc. (3) Enhance vocabulary by learning Hindi words for about 70 familiar objects (4) Learn to recite familiar rhymes like Machali Jal Ki Rani Hai. With the Interactive Hindi Quiz in the Feature Menu of the DVD, children can practice saying the letters and test their knowledge. In the Beginner Hindi Quiz, children will see an object and will select the beginning letter for that object. In the Advanced Hindi Quiz, children will see a letter and select the object that starts with that letter. Children learn best while having fun - thus in this DVD, there are originally composed Alphabet Songs with catchy tunes and fun lyrics that summarize the letters and help children remember. Also, as a bonus the children will learn to name parts of their body. This DVD builds on the "Exploring Hindi" DVD (also available at ). Learning Hindi has never been so much!
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