Choose a nutrient-dense meal made with ingredients from nature when you serve Purina Beyond Superfood Blend Salmon, Egg and Pumpkin Recipe adult dry dog food. Wild-caught salmon is the number 1 ingredient, and egg, pumpkin and whole oat meal round out this kibble dog food. Antioxidants support immune health, and natural probiotics support healthy digestion. This limited-ingredient dog food also contains more than 2000 mg per cup of omega-3 and omega-6 to support his skin and coat. Crafted by our pet nutritionist with ingredients from our trusted sources, our natural dog food with added vitamins and minerals provides your adult dog with complete and balanced nutrition. Good for your pet and good for the planet, this premium Beyond dog food recipe is produced in U.S. facilities, where we take positive steps like reducing waste and improving water use efficiency. Make his meals your way by combining this dog kibble with our wet foods and toppers to add extra variety and flavor to his meals.
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