A perfect complement to the Blue buffalo foods, Blue bits treats are packed with more of the real meat your dog loves. A healthy, nutritious treat that starts with real meat, these meaty bits are the perfect way to reward your four-legged friends. Nutritious and grain-free. Blue bits contain only the finest natural ingredients and are loaded with healthy ingredients like: Salmon-a high-quality protein source. Dha-to help support a puppy's cognitive development. Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids-to help promote healthy skin and coat. Blue bits contain no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives so you can reward good behavior with a treat that's made the way nature intended. With this Blue buffalo Blue bits variety pack you'll receive: (1) Blue bits tasty chicken recipe. (1) Blue bits savory salmon recipe. (1) Blue bits tempting Turkey recipe. (1) Blue bits tender beef recipe. 4 ounces each (4 total pouches).
4 days ago
2 months ago