Compatible part number: W950BAT-4 6-87-W97KS-42L1 6-87-W95KS-42F2 6-87-W95KS-49F Fit Laptop models: CLEVO W970TUQ W950LU W955TU W950AUPlease contact us if your part number or machine model not in our list.Buy with confidence★One-year Warranty ★7 days x 24 hours email customer service support.Note: Please do not hesitate to contact us if there is any problem with our product, we will reslove your problem immediately and all the fault product will be replaced with new one. Installing New Battery Frequently Asked Question Solution: Q: Why my computer didn't recognize this battery or I install this battery and it doesn't seem to work? A: The reason is residual power stored in the laptop components that was preventing the battery from working properly. Please disconnecting the old battery, and holding down the power button for 20 seconds, then connect the new battery. This drains the residual or flea power and once the laptop is reassembled the battery will function properly.
1 month ago
2 weeks ago