Wild Eats Water Buffalo Dog Horns & Tuffies are part an all-natural family of low-fat, high protein dog chews, dog treats and dog bones. Our chews have 14% more protein and 89% less fat than beef (making them more digestible rawhide or bully sticks) and 28% more protein than pork (pig ears). Single sourced from free- range, grass-fed water buffalo, each bone, stick, roll, and chew is is carefully selected to provide the best tasting natural flavor. No artificial flavors, no preservatives, no hormones and no dyes, just a wholesome, natural flavor. Easy on sensitive stomachs or dogs with allergies. These serve as a great alternative to gnaw and devour, so their favorite dog toy, your furniture, and shoes can stay safe. This is also a healthier substitute for puppy teething chew toys like nylon dog bones, dog chew toys , dog dental chew or other dog stuff. Encouraging positive chewing helps to keep their jaw strong, breath fresh. Long lasting dog treats with prolonged chewing can help to release endorphins to combat anxiety, naturally. Great for small dogs, medium dogs and large dogs, no matter what the size your dog will be beggin' for more. While our all-natural bones may have a unique aroma to the discerning pet parent, your dog will love it. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED with all our Wild Eats family of dog treats. Search "Wild Eats" to discover all our dog bones, chews, and dog treats. Always supervise your pet when treating them and provide plenty of water. Keep your dog water bowl full or have a dog water bottle nearby. If sharp edges occur, please remove from pet.
2 months ago
1 month ago