At the organs of the Grote Kerk, Maassluis; Grote Kerk, Leeuwarden; St. Jacobi-Kirche, Hamburg; Dom St.Marien, Freiberg; Waalse Kerk, Amsterdam; Basilika St. Alexander und Theodor, Benediktinerabtei Ottobeuren; St.Walburgiskerk, Zutphen; Martinikerk, Groningena'It was delightful to be able to choose the organs myself, including two instruments upon which Bach played: the Silbermann organ in the Dom at Freiberg and the Schnitger Instrument in the Jacobi-Kirche in Hamburg. Other historic instruments in Germany andthe Netherlands were chose for particular parts of the project. It was a joy to renew their acquaintance.-- Ton Koopman
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