How would you like to begin feeling the incredible energy and vitality of Ashtanga Yoga, the body shaping and weight loss support of Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga, or the dramatically increased strength and flexibility of Iyengar Yoga? Or, are you more interested in experiencing the stress reducing, health and anti-aging benefits of Restorative Yoga, or maybe the calming spiritual clarity that can only be realized with Kundalini Yoga and Advanced Meditation? Well, what if I told you you CAN begin experiencing ALL of the most powerful, life-enhancing benefits of all of these major styles of Yoga I just mentioned From Home... Today! Whether you wake up feeling like you need a soothing Restorative class, an energizing Vinyasa class, a spiritually grounding session of Kundalini, or you’re just in the mood for a body sculpting, booty tightening session of Ashtanga or Hatha Yoga - Join me for the next 6 months and I promise you’ll have everything you need to be able to masterfully practise any major form of yoga your beautiful heart desires. Not only that, over the next 6 months we’ll also get you to a place where you can share and pass along yoga expertise to other people you care about so that they may also be able to experience the tremendously positive effects true Yoga can bring to one’s life. Restorative Month 1 Restorative Hatha Month 2 Hatha Kund
3 days ago
2 weeks ago