《巴不得爸爸》是TVB 2009年度的受歡迎作品,平均收視達30點之高。此劇有別於一般豪門爭鬥或家族情仇劇集,以天馬行空時空交錯的橋段,炮製出一幕又一幕輕鬆惹笑的場面,更帶一點多年前大受歡迎的懷舊歌舞片《難兄難弟》的影子,為觀眾提供了無限歡樂。此劇演員陣容強勁,多位主角如吳卓羲、陳錦鴻、胡杏兒、楊思琦、姜大衛、黃淑儀、胡定欣、阮兆祥、黃智文、吳家樂、魯振順、姚瑩瑩等亦演活了六十年代人物的神髓,令劇集倍添吸引力。 TVB melds a time-travel fantasy plot with hilarious fish-out-of-water comedy and some delightful father-son relationship melodrama into the crowd-pleasing 2009 series A Chip Off The Old Block. Starring Ron Ng, Sunny Chan, Myolie Wu, and Shirley Yeung, the nostalgic series sends a modern-day young man back to a bygone era to experience first-hand the old-time community spirit of "All for one, one for all", evoking the aesthetics and zeitgeist as often portrayed in Cantonese oldie movies. It proved to be an instant hit with the audiences, and some even demanded the station made a sequel with the same cast!
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