The Neocaridina shrimp is the most popular shrimp in the fish keeping hobby and is very easy to keep. They are peaceful in temperament and graze on naturally occurring algae in the aquarium. They are an easy breeder and it can be very easy to get a colony of these shrimp going! These shrimp come in a variety of colours such as, blue, red, yellow, orange & green. Our shrimp range in size from 2 – 4cm, the colours you could receive in this pack are.... Cherry Light Red Blue Diamond Dark Blue, some light Blue Jelly Light blue, opaque Bloody Mary Deep Solid Red Colour Green Light Green Natural Colour Orange Light tangerine orange coloration Orange Rili Half Orange and Half Clear Black Chocolate Midnight black coloration, with some slight blue / brown in them Yellow Fire Bright yellow / slightly opaque coloration Black Rili Slight Blue / Black with Half Clear Tank Mate Compatibility : Shrimp can be eaten by larger fish, wouldn't recommend keeping them with fish like Angels, Gauaramis, Discus or anything larger than the shrimp. Shrimp can co exist with fish, especially guppies, tetras, rasboras, anything small which wouldn't be a threat to them. Providing your shrimp with hiding spots will help and the fish won't be able to pester them. Baby shrimp will most likely be eaten by any fish, so its advised to have a shrimp only tank if you wish to breed. Recommended Water parameters: Fresh Water , 19-24˚C Degrees, PH Range 6.5-8.0 Our Tank Water parameters: Fresh Water ,19-24˚C Degrees, PH Range 7.2 You cannot get different colours by mixing neocaridina, if two colours breed together you will get wild coloured shrimp which are brown. They were originally discovered in the rivers of Taiwan & then selectively bred in farms to get the colours we see today. Postage : Orders dispatched on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays
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