Bees collect nectar from flowers and bring it to the hive where it becomes either beeswax or honey. A bee's diet consists primarily of honey, and any honey not consumed by the bees or in the raising of brood is stored as surplus and converted into beeswax. Beeswax consists of at least 284 different compounds, mainly a variety of long-chain alkanes, acids, esters, polyesters, and hydroxy esters, but the exact composition of beeswax varies with location. It has a specific gravity of about 0. 95 And a melting point of over 140 degrees f. It takes about 8. 4 Kgs of honey to create 1 kg of beeswax. Our beeswax comes from a private apiary in Uttaranchal run by expert beekeepers who have mastered the art of working with bees for over 20 years
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