ThaiGer's OrganitipS Fatty Mold was designed in collaboration with OrganitipS! The perfect size mold for OrganitipS and Organitube Fatty tips. This mold will produce a core approximately 8.5mm x 103mm and packs around 4g of material. The OrganitipS Fatty Mold Kit includes everything needed to get you started: -Molds-Packer-Skewer-Approximately 5' of organic wick-Sample OrganitipS FattyWe recommend using ThaiGer's Base and Funnel Top for a faster and more ergonomic packing experience, the Base and Funnel Top act as a stand and keep the mold halves together during use. Please reach out if you have any questions around sizing or usage. This kit will ship in a random color, please reach out if you'd like to request a specific color.
1 week ago
2 months ago