The CRaNiULS formula is based on the Council for Responsible Nutrition’s (CRN) Upper Level of Supplementation (ULS), which is derived from current scientific research to determine the maximum human consumption of nutrients without adverse effects. The Council for Responsible Nutrition believes that optimal health levels lie closer to their established Upper Levels of Supplementation rather than the Daily Recommended Intakes (DRIs) set forth by the United States Food and Drug Administration. One CRaNiULS capsule provides 50% of CRN’s Upper Levels of Supplementation of the nutrients listed. For this reason you can be sure that you are not going to “overdose” on the vitamins and minerals in CRaNiULS. The CRaNiULS formula supports an array of physiological processes needed for daily functioning and optimal health. Vitamins A and D3 support bone strength and development, while Vitamin E provides antioxidant powers and supports the immune system. CRaNiULS contains seven trace elements: Boron, Chromium, Iodine, Manganese, Molybdenum, Selenium and Zinc. Trace elements are needed in very small quantities, but their presence in the body is essential to carry out life-sustaining tasks, including cellular integrity, nervous system functioning, hormone production and regulation, skeletal support, metabolism, and much more. The Vitamin B complex is comprised of the eight B vitamins that play an essential role in cell metabolism, immunity, and nervous system functions. The presence of B vitamins also promotes proper digestion and helps to ensure that carbohydrates are converted to energy.*
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