● Prevents Teeth Grinding: Dentance Mouth Guard is ablessing for people who suffer from teeth grinding in their sleep. Themouthguard forms a protective barrier between the upper and lower teeth so asto prevent it from getting damaged due to grinding. It helps such users to sleepat peace without worrying about the harm that involuntary grinding can do toteeth. ● Safe to Use: Dentance Mouth Guard offers asafe option to create a personalised mouth guard at home without the need tobook a dentist’s appointment. There are no complications to mold the mouthguardor to use it. ● No Bitter Aftertaste: Dentance Mouth Guard leavesno bad aftertaste that can make its use uncomfortable. It is easy to forgetthat the mouth guard is being used, since it blends right in with the teethwithout any difficulties. ● Ideal for Sports Lifestyle: Dentance Mouth Guard is wellsuited for users who lead a highly active lifestyle and perform a lot ofphysical activities. During sports sessions, teeth are always in danger ofbeing damaged. Wearing the mouthguard van prevent such damage and keep yourteeth intact as long as it is used. ● Easy to Apply: It is quite easy to learn andunderstand how to apply Dentance Mouth Guard. As long as the molding is doneright, the mouth guard will fit perfectly on the teeth and do its job. It canbe used while sleeping, exercising or any other time when required. It is easyto put on as well as to take off. ● Personalized Comfort: Dentance Mouth Guard can be molded according topersonal preference. It can be made as thin or thick as the user wants it tobe. The mouth guard fits well with all mouth sizes, and it is up to the user todetermine its size. This feature makes the mouthguard completely customis mouth guard dental guard neomen mouth guard neomen teeth grinding guard mouth
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