SMART BEAUTY - Cutting edge tech for charming beauty VITAMIN A - important for growth and development - important for the maintenance of the immune system - important for good vision VITAMIN E - a powerful antioxidant that may be effective at reducing UV damage in skin - applied topically may help nourish and protect your skin from damage caused by free radicals ESSENTIAL OILS - treat anxiety and stress - reduce headaches and migraines - improve the sleep quality and stamina - help fight inflammatory conditions SHEA BUTTER - has extensive anti-inflammatory properties - has emollient properties. The rich tree-nut oils in shea butter can soak into your skin, creating a smooth and soft barrier that seals in moisture. This moisturizing effect can last several hours - has anti-aging properties BAKING SODA - is great for soothing pain caused by canker sores - can eliminate the smell of sweat by making the odors less acidic - may improve exercise performance - relieves itchy skin and sunburns - is especially effective at soothing itches from bug bites and bee stings - may treat calluses, help soften them, remove any scales and reduce discomfort - neutralizes odors, interacts with the odor particles to eliminate them, rather than just masking their smell - is an excellent and safe alternative to commercial air fresheners. It interacts with odor particles and neutralizes them, rather than masking them - acts as a multipurpose bathroom cleaner. It whitens many bathroom surfaces. In loving memory of my brother, Alexandr Dovhal. Who designed this beautiful thing. We will love you forever.
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