Kit includes: Deep color, Base coat, Top coat Protective gloves. Detailed instructions. Overview on the kits and how to use them: An advantage of using a Wudtone finishing kit is that no specialist skills or spraying equipment is required. There is no spraying involved, which in itself can be hazardous when using aerosol cans with no special breathing equipment . Spraying creates the opportunity, depending on skill to lather on wet coats, spray eddys, high density around edges creating areas of considerable thickness without realising. A 400ml can of spray lacquer can be quickly used up on a body. The Wudtone finish kits, along with method of application won’t add more finish than is needed. Slow curing, self leveling properties ensure you achieve a professional result with excellent wear and tear capability, yet reduces filtering to maximize the resonance, feel and tone of the guitar. The base coats include pigments and or dyes ( depending on color option) . These are emulsified into natural oils, waxes and curing agents. No grain fillers, sanding sealers are required as oils, pigment, dye elements soak into the wood during the application of the first couple of coats. The wood itself will let you know how much is required. Lighter woods, eg light swamp ash, need a little more than dense woods. You will quickly notice less and less base coat required with each coat and you are able to vary the density of the tint with the number of base coats, usually between two to five. The top coat includes more waxes, curing agents. It is also slow curing, self leveling and between 2-5 coats are usually applied.
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