Panchamu- khi Ganesha is shown having five faces . Pancha means Five and mukhi means faced. Panchmukhi Ganesha is embodiment of all potentiates. The most relevant meaning of the five-headed Ganesh is certainly that these heads symbolize the five kosha in the subtle anatomy experienced Annamaya kosha: the flesh body made of matterPranamaya kosha: the breath body, or energy body Manomayakosha: the mental body Vighnnamayakosha: the body of the Upper Consciousness Anandamayakosha: the body of Cosmic Bless.Thus, the fifth head of Ganesha symbolizes the highest level of yogic experience, called Anandamayakosha, or Sat-Chit-Ananda , the Pure Consciousness without qualification. Thus this form of Lord Ganesha when kept in home/office , brings auspicious vibrations of spirituality, harmony and bliss.Placing Panchamukhi Vinayaka or 5 faced Ganesha facing towards east, either in your home or office, would work wonders.Lord Vinayaka has a special and powerful place in Hindu mythology among several gods. Just a thought of him brings several benefits to the devotee or worshiper, at all times. He is considered as the ’god of gods’. Just the single-headed elephant god can bestow umpteen benefits on the worshiper. But imagine, if you were to worship a five-headed elephant god – the Panchamukhi Vinayaka! The benefits are multiplied five-fold, literally speaking. In fact, the effect of Panchamukhi Vinayaka is so profound and irrevocable that all the statisticians, quality gurus, physicists, or economists of the world would not be able to measure the benefits or its effect exactly, or even remotely
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