♥WHY METhis kettlebell has been redesigned for a sleeker profile and more comfortable grip. The handle has a smoother surface to allow working out without irritation to your hands. Working out with kettle bells sculpts and tones the entire body because lifting and controlling a kettle bell forces the entire body and specifically the core, to contract as a group. Kettlebell workouts engage multiple muscle groups at once, making kettlebells a great option for getting a whole body workout in a short time.  ♥FOR YOUR MUSCLECan also be used for bicep curls. Hold one handle by the shoulder of the curling arm and grab the other end and curl up. Can also be used over your head to focus on the shoulders and arm too. ♥ENGINEERED FOR COMFORT AND STRENGTHIt has enabled thousands of people to exercise when their schedule has made it too difficult to make it to the gym. It’s the perfect device to keep at the office.  ♥VERSATILE & AFFORDABLE WEIGHT TRAININGThe great part about the Kettlebells are that they can be used for so many different weight training exercises. Use them for squats, throws, clean and jerks, snatches, rotational swings, and much more.
1 week ago
3 weeks ago