Apple and cinnamon are a classic combination that conjures up memories of family dinners, holidays, and apple pie. But unlike those sugar-filled pies your grandma used to bake, these tasty little treats are full of nothing but goodness and nutrition.They’re so good that many people are starting to call Papa Steve’s NO JUNK Raw Protein Bars “The best protein bars on the planet.”As always, these bars contain NO chemicals, fillers, cheap soy protein, refined sugar, sugar alcohols, GMO ingredients, or gluten.Instead, they’re filled with real food—most of it locally sourced and organic.If you’re diabetic or simply concerned with your insulin levels, this flavor is a great choice for you. That’s because our Apple Cinnamon Pecan bars contain no added sugar, honey, or dates—all the sweetness comes from all-natural natural apples, resulting in just 6.5 grams of sugar per bar (compared to a whopping 14 grams of fiber).Top it off with healthy fats from all-natural nuts like pecans, almonds, and cashews, plus 12 grams of high-quality vegan protein (Pea Protein), and you’ve got the makings of an all-natural nutritional powerhouse.HANDMADE WITH LOVE IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIADon’t waste your money (and poison your health) with highly processed bars from big corporations. Instead, trust your health to a small local business that cares.We hand-pick our ingredients from local SoCal farmers days before production so that everything is as fresh as possible. Most ingredients are locally sourced and organic, and everything is handmade with love in southern CA (mixed, formed, packaged, and shipped by hand) every week.SHELF-LIFE & STORAGE 1-2 months at room temperature, 3-4 months when refrigerated, and up to 6 months when frozen. We recommend that protein bars be refrigerated, especially in warmer climates and during the summer months.
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3 weeks ago