This tactical backpack is built to provide the best possible protection for your outdoor gear. There is plenty of room for personal belongings and outdoor equipment. Straps and a web system on the front and sides of the backpack allow you to easily attach or hang additional accessories. There is hook and loop on the front so you can customize the storage for any additional items you wish to include as well as for patches, team logos, etc. Features: 2 main compartments and 1 small compartment; Ergonomic S-curve padded shoulder straps; Front and side- 1 inch web system for attaching extra accessories; Reinforced top carrying handle for an alternative carrying position; Padded back; Large hook and loop areas for attaching patches, logos or name tags; Side compression straps and sternum straps across the chest allow you to distribute weight evenly; Padded waist belt; Outer Size: 22 Inches x 16 Inches x 4 Inches; Weight: 3.5 lbs
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