A pocket sized set of 3 UTM corner rulers or "roamers" for 1:24,000, 1:25,000, and 1:50,000 scale maps. The 1:24k and 1:25k corners allow you to divide a 1km map grid to a 10m precision. The 1:50k corner allows you to divide a 1km map grid to a 20m precision. The tool has a hole at the corner of each scale to allow for placing a mark on the map. There is also a hole in the center that allows a string to extend the compass rose. There is a lanyard hole in the upper left corner. Approximate size is 2.75" by 2.75" (7cm X 7cm). New for 2010: We have added a band of white ink around the edge of the tool. This makes reading the compass rose and grid numbers easier and also keeps the tool from "disappearing" when you place it on the map. Internal cutouts are shown with a red outline in the product images. The map image in the background of some product images is present so that any white ink is visible. Neither the red outlines nor the map image are printed on the tool.
3 weeks ago
2 months ago