Similar to Souls, like bonfires, Shrines will be placed along the journey, where 2 activities take place, the first being a level-up point, and the second is the replenishment of "guardian spirits." Guardian spirits are a resource that drop from fallen foes, and is directly related to the means to cast and perform various special attacks - using these techniques will be at a cost of these spirits, so another element of strategy comes into play. There is also an asynchronous online component where sword markers of fallen players serve to warn other players of high difficulty areas, and insofar, Nioh will be apparently littered with these sword markers, as is the intention of Team Ninja. If anything, knowing that all the elements are finally coming together is a welcomed addition to the gaming universe; although there is only a 2016 tba. release date, based on what's been shown so far, Nioh is a "new" IP that gamers might have forgot about, but will definitely remember as it nears release!
1 month ago
2 months ago