INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE:1. WASH YOUR SKIN BEFORE APPYING: Please wash your skin with a mild detergent or soap. The Patches are more likely to adhere, and the opposite, if your skin is oily or you will or may be sweating the Patches will have harder time adhering. In addition, if your skin is oily or sweating, this may inhibit the absorption.2. GENTLY PEEL PATCH: Gently peel the patch from the edge. If you are having any difficulty getting the Patch to unpeel use a knife, scissors or other edge object to start the peel.3. CHOOSE A LOCATION: Choose a location with little or no hair. In addition, as above, choose a location which is not excessively oily or has excessive sweat, as mentioned above.4. WEAR AT LEAST 8 HOURS: Our Patches are Time Released. So it is imperative that you wear it for the full 8 hours to allow for absorption.5. YOU MAY NOT SEE IMMEDIATE RESULTS: Bear in mind that you may not see immediate results. The human system does take some time to engage. However, we have heard of results in a few days to a few weeks.
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