Xiao Chai Hu Tang 100 gms Minor Bupleurum Combination CONCENTRATED INGREDIENTS:Bupleurum Radix (Chai Hu) 28.26% Pinellia Tuber (Ban Xia) 19.56% Panax Ginseng - Red (Ren Shen) 10.87% Glycyrrhiza Radix (Gan Cao) 10.87% Scutellaria Radix (Huang Qin) 10.87% Ziziphus Fructus - Red (Da Zao) 10.87%Zingiber Officinale Radix (Sheng Jiang) 8.70% Action and Indication: This formula helps gently relieve Shao-Yang disorders; expels pathogenic factors from the Exterior to reduce fever. It is used to help a person with Shao-Yang syndromes while the pathogenic influences are neither superficial nor deeply entrenched. Related symptoms are: alternate attacks of fever and chills; fullness sensation in the chest and hypochondriac regions experienced as difficulty in taking deep breaths; bitter or sour taste in the mouth; dry throat; dizziness; loss of appetite; nausea; irritability; heartburn; tendency to vomit; fatigue. Tongue usually has a thin white coating. Pulse is usually wiry.
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