#1 Bestseller in Women in Politics and Business LeadershipWomen’s rights advocate and leadership consultant Tabby Biddle has written a practical, courageous and urgent call to action for women of all ages. This book brings to light the dark patches of our culture where women's voices are still silent and aims to make a change agent out of every reader. Deep inside of you there is a message waiting to be born into the world. Your inner voice is trying to speak to you. Can you hear Her? Today there are so many women who are feeling a calling deep inside to change the world in a big way. All too often though they run away from this calling because they are scared to stand in the spotlight, be visible, and maybe most of all, scared to stand out and be the one who rocks the status quo. We grew up in a male-dominated culture that taught women and girls that their voice doesn’t matter. Or, if they were lucky enough to be told otherwise, it was always with the backdrop of being secondary to men. Our culture taught girls it was best to keep quiet, be polite, and assume the role of the “good girl.” In this position, female opinions were not valued and their emotions were not invited. Consequently, women and girls learned to clamp down on their self-expression, abandon how they truly feel, and mute their truth. This is how women’s and girls’ authentic voices have become silenced, lost even to themselves. Find Your Voice is an essential guide for women who are ready to connect with their voice, discover their greater purpose, take a stand for what they believe in, and offer their unique voice and leadership to the world. It’s a call to action for all women who want to take a stand for the rights, freedoms and liberation of women and girls and moving our world toward a better future. “Without women’s wisdom at the table, war, poverty and violence are the name of the game,” says Biddle. “Aggression, competition, and power over, rather than power with, are the norm. But we, as women, know that this is not a natural way of living.” Through personal stories, practical exercises, political truth-telling, feminine leadership practices and definitive action steps, Tabby Biddle brings to light the dark patches of our culture where women's voices are still silent and aims to make a change agent out of every reader. Fast paced and well written, Find Your Voice takes you on a powerful journey and spits you out on the other side with a new-found sense of purpose, and an arsenal of tactics to find your voice and ‘get out there’ with it.
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