Product Description This eye gel can be used on all animals for a variety of eye issues including but not limited to allergies and irritants, wounds and abrasions, redness and burning. It can also be used as a preventive solution to ensure your pet's eye health for years to come. Apply the gel to affected eyes 1-2 times per day as needed. Ingredients Active: Hypochlorous Acid (0.007%). Inactive: Electrolyzed Water, Sodium Magnesium Fluorosilicate, Sodium Phosphate, Sodium Chloride, and Sodium Hypochlorite P.when('A').execute(function(A) { A.on('a:expander:toggle_description:toggle:collapse', function(data) { window.scroll(0, data.expander.$expander[0].offsetTop-100); }); }); Box Contains Vetericyn Plus Antimicrobial Ophthalmic Gel See more
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