It's a Multipurpose Pain Relieving Healing Salve; No Synthetics; Pure-All Natural Essential Oils and Herbs in a petroleum paraffin base. Developed by Dr. Atkins in 1919, this formula was lost for 60 years until recovered by family in 2009. Now they are making it available to the public. Helps in the relief of the pain of Arthritis, Rheumatism, Muscle Strains and Sprains and the Quick Healing of Life's Cuts, bruises, burns, stings and abrasions.Features= Aids in Relief of the Pain of Arthritis, Rheumatism, Help with the Pain of Head and Chest Colds, Sinus, Headaches, Apply for Muscle Sprains and Cramps, No Synthetics, Pure-All Natural Essential Oils and Herbs.Actives = Oil of Camphor, Cloves, Mustard, Strontium Citrate, Magnesium Stearate.TOPICAL USE ONLY - AVOID EYE CONTACT - NOT FOR USE ON CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 2
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