Functions:1. Read diagnostic trouble codes, both generic and manufacturer-specific, and display their meaning (over 3000 generic code definitions in the database). 2. Clear trouble codes and turn off the MIL ("Check Engine" light) 3. Display current sensor data 4. Engine RPM 5. Calculated Load Value 6. Coolant Temperature 7. Fuel System Status 8. Vehicle Speed 9. Short Term Fuel Trim 10. Long Term Fuel Trim 11. Intake Manifold Pressure 12. Timing Advance 13. Intake Air Temperature 14. Air Flow Rate 15. Absolute Throttle Position 16. Oxygen sensor voltages/associated short term fuel trims 17. Fuel System status 18. Fuel Pressure Supported OBD-II protocols:0. Automatic1. SAE J1850 PWM(41.6Kbaud)2. SAE J1850 VPW(10.4Kbaud)3. ISO9141-2(5 baud init,10.4Kbaud)4. ISO14230-4 KWP(5 baud init,10.4 Kbaud)5. ISO14230-4 KWP(fast init,10.4 Kbaud)6. ISO15765-4 CAN(11bit ID,500 Kbaud)7. ISO15765-4 CAN(29bit ID,500 Kbaud)8. ISO15765-4 CAN(11bit ID,250 Kbaud)9. ISO15765-4 CAN(29bit ID,250 Kbaud)A. SAE J1939 CAN(29bit ID,250*Kbaud)B. USER1 CAN(11*bit ID,125*Kbaud)C. USER2 CAN(11*bit ID,50*kbaud) *default settings(user adjustable)Other Features:1. Works with all OBD-II compliant vehicles2. Wireless (Bluetooth) 5~10 meter 3. Made from Automative Grade Plastic for sturdy build4. Automatic Sleep to prevent battery drain Variants:1. All Black Color ( Refer for BUYER REVIEWS ) White Body and Red Band 3. White Body and Green Band 4. White Body and Black Band 5. White Body and Blue Band 6. Black Body and Orange Band
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