Style Name:5.25-Inch Expansion The "iron man" of file pockets. If you require years of heavy use from your bulky files and want to maintain a classic appearance you'll appreciate our virtually indestructible redrope file pocket that won't rip out. The Tuff Pockets sides and bottom are fully lined with tear-resistant Tyvek has special rollover reinforcement at the top and extends into the front and back panels twice as far as standard file pockets. Heavyweight front and back panels provide rigid support and have a hidden reinforcement strip at the point of greatest stress.6-1/2" high Tyvek lined sides and bottom.Rollover Tyvek reinforced sides and bottom extend 7/8" into panels.30% recycled content 30% post-consumer material.Size: Legal.Material: Redrope Stock.Color: Redrope.Tabs: Straight cut.Reinforcement: Rollover Reinforcement.Expansion: 5-1/4".Quantity Per Box: 10.
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