Infrared filters, sometimes called IR filters or heat-absorbing filters, are designed to allow IR mid-infrared wavelengths while block visible light. Infrared filters are often used in devices with bright incandescent light bulbs (such as slide and overhead projectors) to prevent unwanted heating. IR filters are widely used in solid state (CCD or CMOS) video cameras to allow IR due to many camera sensors with high sensitivity to near-infrared light. X-Ray Filters typically have a blue hue to them as they also sometimes block some of the light from the shorter visible light and UV wavelengths. Digital cameras are usually equipped with IR-blocking filters to prevent unnatural-looking images. IR-transmitting (passing) filters, or removal of factory IR-blocking filters, are commonly used in infrared photography to pass infrared light and block visible and ultraviolet light. Such filters appear black to the eye, but are transparent when viewed with an IR sensitive device. In what suitable light source should I use the infrared filters? IR filter can block all visible light under related wavelengths and very sensitive to utraviolet rays. 590nm, 600nm and 630nm for Infrared change machine. The rich colors, custom white balance, the original film in general the sky was bright red, partial brown or amber, plant leaves, blue, sky blue saturation after post-processing, the leaves yellow or golden yellow. 680nm for indoor and weak Shadows use. 750nm for indoor and weak light use. Packing List: Adjustable Infrared Filter X 1
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