Dana Williams, author of the Rose Way Meditation, melds profound Christian prayer with ancient Eastern teachings in a transformative daily practice that takes only minutes to do. Williams received this practice as an inspiration when she was very young. While meditating, she "saw" the Lord's Prayer expressed through the 7 chakras and the 12 paths of life. This same prayer-meditation became the mainstay of her spiritual practice. Williams is also the author of "The Rose Way Meditation" and "Math by Grace." The latter applies spiritual processes to assist concentration-challenged children "learn by heart," that is, to guide their brains in learning the skill of memorization. "Math by Grace" is a must for all spiritually minded persons who have children or who work with children. To the the Lord's Prayer, Williams writes, "Each phrase of the prayer fits into a chakra like a key into a lock. By reciting each phrase within its chakra, we are brought into harmony with Spirit's intention. The Lord's Prayer prayer-meditation begins at the highest chakra of pure Christ Consciousness. With the following phrases, this highest energetic quality descends into the lower chakras, clearing and transforming any patterns of ego that block the impulse of Spirit in our life. If you start a practice when you are young and keep it up over many years, even if you periodically neglect it, the practice will grow, change and deepen. I now have much to share about this special visualization and prayer-meditation that I believe spans the arch of eastern and western religions.” Dana Williams bases her books on the work of her deceased teacher, Joe Koperski.
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