James Caan (The Godfather), Nicolas Cage (Face/Off) and Sarah Jessica Parker ("Sex inthe City") are three sides of a deliriously funny triangle in this "refreshing blast of comic lunacy" (WCBS-TV) that gambles with an off beat premise and hits the jackpot with big laughs! Jack Singer (Cage) is terrified of commitment but even more terrified of losing his beautiful school teacher fianc'e Betsy (Parker). So as an act of faith, he takes the plunge and agrees to tie the knot in a quickie Vegas ceremony. But when he makes a bad $60,000 bet with mobster Tommy Korman (Caan), the marriage "knot"and all of Jack's dreams starts unraveling fast. The only way that Korman will forgive the debt, he says, is if Jack will loan him Betsy for the rest of the weekend! It's yet another sucker bet for Jack though because Korman plans to win Betsy away for good!
1 week ago
1 week ago