Liven up your aquarium with 6+ Nerite Snails of two different varieties! These beautiful snails are great for giving your aquarium some exotic flair, but they also serve some very useful purposes. They clear off glass, plants, and decorations, and they keep your substrate colorful. Nerite Snails are widely believed to be the best snail in the aquarium hobby. They are totally safe with any fish, shrimp, or plants, and are completely peaceful. Nerite Snails require salt water to reproduce, so they will never overpopulate your aquarium (as some freshwater snails are known to do). Tiger Nerite Snails' shells are a lovely dark amber color with small black marking that form encircling stripes! Zebra Nerite snails have gold and black zebra-like stripes running all the way down. Both Tiger nerites and Zebra nerites range from 1/2 to 1 inch in size. They usually will remain around 1 inch throughout their lifespan, but the occasional snail will reach 1 1/2 inches! They do not eat plants, so they are perfectly suitable for planted tanks. RECOMMENDED TANK PARAMETERS: - PH level range: 6.5 to 8.5 - Temperature range: 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit - Water type: Medium hard - Recommended Aquatic Arts tank mates: Other types of snails (other Nerite snails, Mystery Snails, Sulawesi Snails, etc.), dwarf shrimp (such as Green Babaulti shrimp, Blue Velvet shrimp, Sakura Fire Red Cherry Shrimp, Neon Yellow Shrimp, etc.). They can also be kept with small to medium-sized, non-aggressive fish. - Additional notes: With all nerite snails, it's a good idea to make sure the water line in your aquarium isn't too high, as these snails tend to climb up beyond the water line.
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