Packaged with love in North Carolina. Made in USA. Instructions: Apply product to lawn, garden, trees, decks, gutters, roofs, muddy areas, driveways, walkways, under patios p>Concentrate on areas with excessive moisture, puddles and standing water. Mud near ponds need to be completely soaked as that is where mosquito populations multiply. On your applications very liberally soak your area to get rid of the mosquitoes that have already taken residence and have spread their larva. Soak all wet areas around your home. Product produce a garlic smell for the first few hours but subsides. Please know that even after the smell goes away the product still effective. The sulfur in the garlic and naturally occurring insects nerve agent in the cedar will kill off the mosquitos and create a mosquito free environment. Applications: Apply every 2-4 weeks. If there have been 2 light rainstorms in the middle of the application, re-apply the product. Spray time, Best time to spray is in the early morning or late evenings- concentrate between 5am-10am and 6pm to 10pm. Do not use indoors and or spray on pets. Cautions: Do not apply in temperature above 91 degrees or in full sun or excessively high temperature. May cause phytotoxic burn to plant life above 91 degrees. Apply at your own risk.Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. Avoid contact with eyes, mount or face. If contact with eyes does occur flush them for 15 minutes Active Ingredients:65% Garlic Juice, 30 % Cedarwood Oil, 5% Ethyl Lactate, distilled Water.
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