Asplenium nidus , or Japanese Bird's-Nest Fern, is native to Tropical Asia. It is a spectacular, epiphytic fern with apple green fronds that will reach up to 20-60 inches (50-150 cm) long by 8 inches (20 cm) wide. As the fronds age, they have a prominent blackish midrib. They make outstanding house plants and are very showy. Culture: Asplenium nidus does best with bright, indirect light. The plants should be kept moist at all times, especially during the growing season. Water should be somewhat restricted in the winter, but the plants should never dry out completely. We place our mounted fern in the sink and give it a good watering twice a week. As the fern gets larger you can simply mount the existing wood plaque on a larger wood plaque. The plant you will receive is mounted and growing on a Natural Wood Round with woodland moss plus the picture stand.
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