Product description 28mm Wargaming Terrain Scenery mould The mould makes sets of 8 casts - 6 standard tiles at 27x27mm and 2 half casts at approx 27x14mm, the photos also show what these can look like painted and weathered Make your own castings sections, cast as many as you like form this mould and create all your realistic high detailed model scenery This is one from our range of new casting silicone moulds so you can make as much model scenery as you like, please check my other listings as we bring more of these online Cast with casting plaster (Herculite) or fastcast resins available on eBay Designed as 28 mm wargaming terrain but can also be used for other scales including WWII Cast using herculite plaster or if you prefer you can use fast cast resin NOTE:- Not Suitable for food casting Safety Warning Not suitable for food
1 day ago
2 months ago