The word heard 'round the world. Our Rattle Bombs provide the quality you seek with the maximum ease of use! Choose a color from our selection of Rattle Bomb Flake’s, then pick a matching Base Coat, Kandy or mix them up and create a completely original masterpiece. Choose an All-In-1 Rattle Bomb for a lightning quick process! For a classy or even, dare we say, elegant look, choose our Pearl Rattle Bombs, perfect for your Twangin’ Stratocaster or for some fine accents! Kandy is a transparent layer of paint that goes over the Basecoat/Flake that adds depth and creates a more vivid paint job. While this step is optional, this is where you can be most creative as there are many Basecoat/Kandy combinations that can be achieved.
2 weeks ago
1 month ago