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Targum Jonathan to the Prophets
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Avraham Avinu: A Contemporary Biography
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Targum: Or Metrical Translations From Thirty Languages and Dialects
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Das Targum Scheni Zum Buche Esther
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Thinking Jewish Teenager's Guide to Life
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Parsha Ponderings: Unique Insights and Commentary on the Weekly Torah Portion
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The Complete Targum Onkelos: English Translation with Original Hebrew and Aramaic Text - Volume I
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Targum: Or Metrical Translations From Thirty Languages And Dialects
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A Practical Guide to the Laws of Taharat Hamishpacha
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Targum Onkelos; Volume 1
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Grammar for Gemara & Targum Onkelos: An Introduction to Aramaic
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The Face of the Waters: Chasidic teachings & stories for the twenty-first century
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Grammar of the Chaldee Language: As Contained in the Bible and the Targums
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Targum Onkelos.
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The Palm Tree of Devorah
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The Potato Story
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Targum: Or Metrical Translations From Thirty Languages and Dialects
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Targum: Or Metrical Translations From Thirty Languages And Dialects
The Targums: A Critical Introduction: 12 (Studies in the Aramaic Interpretation of Scripture)
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The Light of the Ben Ish Chai on Megillas Eichah - The Seeds of Hope and Optimism
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Chaya Hudie MoskovitsUnsevered: Bound by Cords of Faith
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Das Targum Zum Buche Ruth...
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The Complete Targum Onkelos: English Translation with Original Hebrew and Aramaic Text - Volume II
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Das Targum Zu Josua: In Jemenischer Uberlieferung...
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The Targum of Onkelos to Genesis: A Critical Inquiry Into the Value of the Text Exhibeted by Yemen Mss. Compared with That of the European of the Oriental Text...
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The Targums: A Critical Introduction
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Targum Americana The Bible Understood - Vayikra / Leviticus
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The Targum of Onkelos to Genesis: a Critical Enquiry Into the Value of the Text Exhibited by Yemen Mss. Compared With That of the European Recension, ... Some Specimen Chapters of the Oriental Text
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The Targum to Canticles: According to Six Yemen Mss
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Targum Onkelos.
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The Targums: A Critical Introduction
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Targum Americana The Bible Understood BeMidbar - Numbers
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Targum on Isaiah I-V
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Narratology and the Pentateuch Targums: A Methodological Experiment: 9 (Biblical Intersections)
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Mikvah Stories: A Collection of True Stories of Women Overcoming Today's Challenges
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The Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan Ben Uzziel on the Pentateuch
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Hiding in Plain Sight: The story behind Megilat Esther Hardcover – February 22, 2021
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Targum Onkelos; Volume 2
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Exegesis in the Targum of Psalms: The Old, the New, and the Rewritten (Gorgias Dessertations: Biblical Studies)
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An Aramaic Method; a Class Book for the Study of the Elements of Aramaic From Bible and Targums; Volume 2
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The Targum of Onkelos to Genesis. A Critical Enquiry Into the Value of the Text Exhibited by Yemem M
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Aramäisch-Neuhebräisches Wörterbuch Zu Targum, Talmud Und Midrasch
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The Targum to the Song of Songs. the Book of the Apple. the Ten Jewish Martyrs. a Dialogue on Games of Chance
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The Targum of Onkelos to Genesis: a critical enquiry into the value of the text exhibited by Yemen mss. compared with that of the European recension, ... some specimen chapters of the oriental text
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Mikvah Stories: A Collection of True Stories of Women Overcoming Today’s Challenges
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The Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan Ben Uzziel on the Pentateuch: With the Fragments of the Jerusalem Targum from the Chaldee, Volume 2
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49 Steps to Greatness
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Onkelos Und Das Verhaltniss Seines Targums Zur Halacha
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Targum and Testament Revisited: Aramaic Paraphrases of the Hebrew Bible: Aramaic Paraphrases of the Hebrew Bible: A Light on the New Testament
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The Targums and Rabbinic Literature: An Introduction to Jewish Interpretations of Scripture
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Konkordanz Zum Targum Onkelos
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Das Targum Zu Koheleth Nach Südarabischen Handschriften
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An Aramaic Method; a Class Book for the Study of the Elements of Aramaic From Bible and Targums; 1
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Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan Ben Uzziel on the Pentateuch (Vol 1)
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Mikvah Stories: A Collection of True Stories of Women Overcoming Today's Challenges
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An Aramaic Method; a Class Book for the Study of the Elements of Aramaic From Bible and Targums; Volume 2
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Zu Dem Targum Der Propheten
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Zu Dem Targum Der Propheten
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Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan Ben Uzziel on the Pentateuch (Vol 2)
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The Thinking Jewish Teenager's Guide to Life
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Rabbi David Shabtai Md