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Genuine Sosa Ernest products handpicked to elevate your everyday life.
Causation (Oxford Readings in Philosophy)
Ernest Sosa: Conocimiento y acción
Ernest Sosa Encountering Chinese Philosophy
Epistemology: 14 (Princeton Foundations of Contemporary Philosophy, 14)
Epistemology: An Anthology, 2nd Edition Paperback – 4 Jan. 2008
A Virtue Epistemology: Apt Belief and Reflective Knowledge, Volume I
Epistemology: An Anthology
A Virtue Epistemology: Apt Belief and Reflective Knowledge, Volume I
The Blackwell Guide to Epistemology
A Virtue Epistemology: Apt Belief and Reflective Knowledge, Volume I
Epistemic Explanations: A Theory of Telic Normativity, and What it Explains
Epistemology (Princeton Foundations of Contemporary Philosophy Book 14)
Epistemic Explanations: A Theory of Telic Normativity, and What it Explains
Knowledge in Perspective: Selected Essays in Epistemology (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy)
Reflective Knowledge: Apt Belief and Reflective Knowledge, Volume II
Reflective Knowledge: Apt Belief and Reflective Knowledge, Volume II
Reflective Knowledge: Apt Belief and Reflective Knowledge, Volume II
Reflective Knowledge: Apt Belief and Reflective Knowledge, Volume II
Knowledge in Perspective: Selected Essays in Epistemology (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy) by Sosa (2008-01-12)
Epistemic Justification: Internalism vs. Externalism, Foundations vs. Virtues (Great Debates in Philosophy)
Epistemic Explanations: A Theory of Telic Normativity, and What it Explains
Knowledge in Perspective: Selected Essays in Epistemology (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy)
Knowledge in Perspective: Selected Essays in Epistemology
Epistemic Explanations: A Theory of Telic Normativity, and What it Explains
Causation (Oxford Readings in Philosophy)
Contemporary Debates in Epistemology (Contemporary Debates in Philosophy)
Ernest Sosa : conocimiento y acción
Knowledge, Belief, and Character: Readings in Contemporary Virtue Epistemology
Virtuous Thoughts: The Philosophy of Ernest Sosa (Philosophical Studies Series)
Contemporary Debates in Epistemology (Contemporary Debates in Philosophy Book 5)
The Blackwell Guide to Epistemology (Blackwell Philosophy Guides)
A Companion to Epistemology (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy)
The Epistemology of Testimony
Causation and Conditionals
Ernest Sosa: Targeting His Philosophy (Münster Lectures in Philosophy Book 3)
Epistemology (Princeton Foundations of Contemporary Philosophy Book 14)
Metaphysics: An Anthology, 2nd Edition
Contemporary Epistemology: An Anthology (Blackwell Philosophy Anthologies)
Ernest Sosa: And His Critics (Philosophers and their Critics Book 4)
Supervenience and Mind: Selected Philosophical Essays
Epistemology: An Anthology (Blackwell Philosophy Anthologies)
Ernest Sosa: And His Critics
Ernest Sosa'sKnowing Full Well (Soochow University Lectures in Philosophy) [Hardcover](2010)
A Companion to Metaphysics (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy Series)