Celebrate Roland Barthes: Craftsmanship Meets Innovation
Take advantage of limited-time deals on iconic Roland Barthes pieces.
Mourning Diary: October 26, 1977 - September 15, 1979
Mythologies [Paperback] Barthes, Roland and Lavers, Dr Annette
Camera Lucida: Vintage Design Edition
Mythologies: The Complete Edition, in a New Translation
Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes
BARTHES READER Paperback – July 1, 1983
La Préparation du roman: Cours au Collège de France (1978-1979 et 1979-1980
Mythologies Paperback – International Edition, 3 Sept. 2009
The Language of Fashion (Bloomsbury Revelations)
Frammenti di un discorso amoroso
Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography
A Roland Barthes Reader Paperback – 15 July 1993
Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography
Image Music Text Paperback – 27 Feb. 1987
Mythologies - Roland Barthes
Writing Degree Zero & Elements of Semiology
Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes
The Neutral: Lecture Course at the College de France (1977-1978) (European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism)
The Language of Fashion (Bloomsbury Revelations) Reprint Edition
Signs and Images: Writings on Art, Cinema and Photography (The French List)
The Preparation of the Novel: Lecture Courses and Seminars at the Collège de France (1978-1979 and 1979-1980) (European Perspectives)
Œuvres complètes, tome 1 : Livres, textes, entretiens, 1942-1961
An Analysis of Roland Barthes's The Death of the Author (The Macat Library)
A Very Fine Gift' and Other Writings on Theory: Essays and Interviews (SB-The French List)
Signs and Images: Writings on Art, Cinema and Photography Paperback – 11 October 2023
Incidents (The French List)
Fragments d'un discours amoureux
How to Live Together: Novelistic Simulations of Some Everyday Spaces (European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism)
Roland Barthes: The Proust Variations (Contemporary French and Francophone Cultures LUP)
Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes
Camera Lucida [Paperback] Barthes, Roland and Howard, Richard
Systeme De La Mode (French ed)
Selected Writings of Roland Barthes
Camera Lucida: Vintage Design Edition
Points Essais Le Plaisir du texte
Die helle Kammer: Bemerkungen zur Photographie
Fragmente einer Sprache der Liebe
Oeuvres complètes (1977-1980)
Incidents (The French List)
Le degre zero de l'ecriture suivi de Nouveaux essais critiques
Barthes di Roland Barthes (Piccola biblioteca Einaudi. Nuova serie, Band 364)
Lo obvio y lo obtuso: Imágenes, gestos y voces
Mythen des Alltags: Vollständige Ausgabe
Writing Degree Zero: AND Elements of Semiology Paperback – November 4, 2010
La camera chiara. Nota sulla fotografia
Lo obvio y lo obtuso: Imágenes, gestos y voces
Roland Barthes par Roland Barthes
Camera Lucida: Vintage Design Edition
An Analysis of Roland Barthes's The Death of the Author
The "Scandal" of Marxism and Other Writings on Politics: Essays and Interviews: Essays and Interviews, Volume 2 (The French List) Hardcover – 15 May 2017
Journal de deuil: 26 octobre 1977 - 15 septembre 1979
"A Very Fine Gift" and Other Writings on Theory: Essays and Interviews, Volume 1
Roland Barthes. Dalla vita al testo (Frecce)
Masculine, Feminine, Neuter' and Other Writings on Literature: Essays and Interviews: Essays and Interviews, Volume 3 (The French List)
Roland Barthes por Roland Barthes
Mythologies: Roland Barthes
Simply a Particular Contemporary': Interviews, 1970-79: Essays and Interviews (SB-The French List)
Die Pariser Abende des Roland Barthes: Eine Hommage
The Preparation of the Novel: Lecture Courses and Seminars at the College de France (1978-1979 and 1979-1980) (European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought & Cultural Criticism (Paperback))
'Simply a Particular Contemporary': Interviews, 1970-79: Essays and Interviews, Volume 5
La cámara lúcida: Nota sobre la fotografía
How to Live Together: Novelistic Simulations of Some Everyday Spaces (European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism)