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DIA-LOGOS: Ramon Llull's Method of Thought and Artistic Practice
DIA-LOGOS: Ramon Llull's Method of Thought and Artistic Practice
Llibre de les bèsties: Versió clàssica i versió moderna
The Book of the Lover and the Beloved
On the Secrets of Nature: by Ramon Lull
Doctrina pueril: A Primer for the Medieval World: 61 (Textos B)
Doctor Illuminatus: A Ramon Llull Reader (Mythos: The Princeton/Bollingen Series in World Mythology Book 65)
The Book of the Order of Chivalry
Ramon Llull. El mejor libro del mundo
On the Secrets of Nature: by Ramon Lull
Ramon Llull and the Secret of Life: An Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
Four Works On Llull: On the Compendious Architecture of Ramon Lull, Lullian Lamps, Scrutiny of the Subjects, Animadversions (Collected Works of Giordano Bruno Book 3)
The Book of the Lover and the Beloved
Four Works On Llull: On the Compendious Architecture of Ramon Lull, Lullian Lamps, Scrutiny of the Subjects, Animadversions (Collected Works of Giordano Bruno Book 3)
Benvolguda: Premi Ramon Llull 2022
París érem nosaltres: Premi Ramon Llull 2023
Doctor Illuminatus: A Ramon Llull Reader
Four Works On Llull: On the Compendious Architecture of Ramon Lull, Lullian Lamps, Scrutiny of the Subjects, Animadversions (Collected Works of Giordano Bruno) (Volume 3)
Ramon Llull and the Secret of Life: An Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
Obres doctrinalis Volume 2, 1906
Der Dialog bei Ramon Llull: 318 (Beihefte Zur Zeitschrift Für Romanische Philologie)
TRATADO DE ASTROLOGÍA: Los fundamentos de la Astrología Medieval
Ramon Llull as a Vernacular Writer – Communicating a New Kind of Knowledge: 354 (Monografías A)
Doctrina pueril: A Primer for the Medieval World (Textos B, 61) (Volume 61)
Ramon Llull's New Rhetoric: Text and Translation of Llull's rethorica Nova
A Brief History of the Study of Alchemy from Nicolas Flamel to Ramon Llull
Obres Doctrinalis Volume 10, 1915
Doctor Illuminatus: A Ramon Llull Reader (Mythos: The Princeton/Bollingen Series in World Mythology Book 65)
Ramon Llull and the Secret of Life: An Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
The Crusade of Ramon Llull: Evangelism and Apologetics in the Thirteenth Century
Romance of Evast and Blaquerna (Textos B, 60) (Volume 61)
Roman de Mahomet: En Vers Du Xiiime Siecle
La mystique de Ramon Lull et l'Art de contemplacio
Ramon Llull: La Controverse juive
Libre De Doctrina Pueril: Text Original, Directament Trelladat D'un M.s. Quatrecentista...
The Book of the Lover and the Beloved: Translated from the Catalan of Ramón Llull with an Introductory Essay on Spanish Culture
Libro de la orden de caballería
Ramon Llull's New Rhetoric: Text and Translation of Llull's rethorica Nova
The Book of The Order of Knighthood
Vida y obra de Ramón Llull. Filosofía y mística (Breviarios nº 544) (Spanish Edition)
Obres Doctrinalis Volume 7, 1913
The Buke of the Order of Knyghthood, tr. From the French
Ramon Llull - A Time Of Conquests, Dialogue And Disconsolation
Obres Doctrinalis Volume 11
Faules del Llibre de les Bèsties
Obres doctrinalis Volume 1
Obres Doctrinalis Volume 5, 1911
Obres Doctrinalis Volume 3, 1906
L'estiu que comença: Premi Ramon Llull 2013
Obres Doctrinalis Volume 9, 1914
Beati Raymundi Lulli ... Liber Magnus Contemplationis in Deum: Iuxta Moguntinam Editionem in Folio Anni MDCCXL in Varios Tomos Distributus, Volume 6
Beati Raymundi Lulli ... Logica Nova: Jam Valentiae Impressa Anno 1512 Et Nunc Palmae Cum Libris Logica Parva, de Quinque Praedicabilibus & Decem Praedicamentis Et de Natura...
Romance of Evast and Blaquerna
Beati Raymundi Lulli ... Liber Magnus Contemplationis in Deum: Iuxta Moguntinam Editionem in Folio Anni MDCCXL in Varios Tomos Distributus, Volume 7...
The Book of the Lover and the Beloved
Obres doctrinalis Volume 6, 1911
Beati Raymundi Lulli ... Opera Parva, Tomus I: In Quo Contin?tur Sequentes Tractatus, Ars Brevis ...
The Buke of the Order of Knyghthood; Translated from the French by Sir Gilbert Hay, Knight
Beati Raymundi Lulli ... Logica Nova: Jam Valentiae Impressa Anno 1512 Et Nunc Palmae Cum Libris Logica Parva, de Quinque Praedicabilibus & Decem Praedicamentis Et de Natura
Beati Raymundi Lulli ... Liber Magnus Contemplationis in Deum: Iuxta Moguntinam Editionem in Folio Anni MDCCXL in Varios Tomos Distributus, Volume 2
The Art and Logic of Ramon Llull: A User's Guide
Beati Raymundi Lulli ... Liber Magnus Contemplationis in Deum: Iuxta Moguntinam Editionem in Folio Anni MDCCXL in Varios Tomos Distributus, Volume 9...
Obres: Libre de Contemplacio En Deu, Escrit a Mallorca & Transladat Darabic En Romanc Vulgar Dever Lany M.CC.Lxxxij
Obres doctrinalis Volume 4, 1910
Kann Ramon Llull als Vorbild für Toleranz und den Religionsdialog gelten?: Das Buch vom Heiden und den drei Weisen von Ramon Llull
Beati Raymundi Lulli ... Ars Brevis: Jam Argentorati Impressa Anno Christi 1617, Palmae Anno 1669 Et Demum Palmae 1744
Llibre de Les Besties: Text Original Am Prolec, Notes Bibliografiques I Glosari Den M. Obrador Benna
The Crusade of Ramon Llull: Evangelism and Apologetics in the Thirteenth Century
Tratado de astrología : los fundamentos de la astrología medieval
Ramon Llull: El mejor libro del mundo (Spanish Edition)
Llibre De Les Besties / Book of Beasts (Antaviana Jove)