Upgrade Your Wardrobe with Patricia Leavy Essentials
Indulge in iconic and innovative Patricia Leavy items curated just for you.
Essentials of Transdisciplinary Research: Using Problem-Centered Methodologies
The Location Shoot: A Novel
Re/Invention: Methods of Social Fiction (Qualitative Methods "How-To" Guides) First Edition
Method Meets Art, Second Edition: Arts-Based Research Practice Second Edition
Research Design: Quantitative, Qualitative, Mixed Methods, Arts-Based, and Community-Based Participa
Method Meets Art: Arts-Based Research Practice
Fiction as Research Practice: Short Stories, Novellas, and Novels (Developing Qualitative Inquiry)
Oral History: Understanding Qualitative Research
Contemporary Feminist Research from Theory to Practice Annotated Edition
The Practice of Qualitative Research
Method Meets Art: Arts-Based Research Practice
Film (Social Fictions Series Book 1)
Handbook of Arts-Based Research
The Location Shoot: A Novel (A Red Carpet Romance)
Research Design, Second Edition: Quantitative, Qualitative, Mixed Methods, Arts-Based, and Community-Based Participatory Research Approaches
Research Design: Quantitative, Qualitative, Mixed Methods, Arts-Based, and Community-Based Participatory Research Approaches Second Edition
Contemporary Feminist Research from Theory to Practice
Re/Invention: Methods of Social Fiction
The Location Shoot: A Novel
Re/Invention: Methods of Social Fiction (Qualitiative Methods "How-To" Guides)
Essentials of Transdisciplinary Research (Qualitative Essentials)
Popularizing Scholarly Research: The Academic Landscape, Representation, and Professional Identity in the 21st Century
Handbook of Arts-Based Research
Privilege Through the Looking-Glass
Handbook of Autoethnography
The Oxford Handbook of Qualitative Research
Supernova (Social Fictions Series)
Celestial Bodies: The Tess Lee and Jack Miller Novels
Candy Floss Collection: 3 Novels
The Oxford Handbook of Qualitative Research
Low-Fat Love: 10th Anniversary Edition
American Circumstance: Anniversary Edition
Privilege Through the Looking-Glass, Second Edition
Candy Floss Collection: 3 Novels
Popularizing Scholarly Research: Research Methods and Practices
Shooting Stars (Social Fictions Series)
Handbook of Emergent Methods
Research Design: Quantitative, Qualitative, Mixed Methods, Arts-Based, and Community-Based Participatory Research Approaches
The Art of Social Critique: Painting Mirrors of Social Life
The Oxford Handbook of Methods for Public Scholarship
Twinkle: 39 (Social Fictions)
Emergent Methods in Social Research
Poetic Inquiry: Craft, Method and Practice
Low-Fat Love Stories (Social Fictions Series)
Constellations: 41 (Social Fictions)
Popularizing Scholarly Research: Working with Nonacademic Stakeholders, Teams, and Communities
Jacqueline Wilson Collection: 10 Book Box Set